The journalings says: February 13, 2008 Jorg was choosen to walk together with a player of the Swedish club Helsingsborgs for the match PSV-Helsingsborgs for the UEFA cup championship.
Jorg was very, very happy and was nervous all day long. Daddy had to leave him with his soccershoes at the mainenterance of the stadium, where Jorg was catched up, dressed and got some instructions. (For example; don't talk to a player unless he says something to you, than you're allowed to talk back. But hey, that didn't matter a thing to Jorg because ''He couldn't speak Swedish anyhow".)
At 11.00 p.m. he came tired, cold, but very satisfied home. The next morning he said; "Mom, it was the best day of my life!". Isn't that great?

2 opmerkingen:
that is so sweet! Love the layout!
Great lo, xxxWendy.
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